In this guide, we will show you the fastest way to level up your pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. You can easily get your pokemon to level 100 in the game. We will show you two different ways to do this.
First Method
You can get tons of experience by defeating Chansey in battle. You have to fight Chansey manually. We don’t recommend doing auto battles. You can earn about 3000 experience depending on Chansey’s level and the consumables you use. You can increase your XP gain by making the Master Tower Sandwich.
There are some specific areas in the game where you can find a lot of Chansey. If you go to Zero Gate and then to Research Station No.3, you can find many Chansey spawn locations. They hide inside the caves.
Second Method
The second way to level up your Pokemon is to do Tera Raid Battles. You need to pick six-star battles and defeat your opponents. You can even choose lower-level battles, but you won’t gain as much XP.
After winning these battles, you will get large XP candies in higher quantities. Exp. Candy XL gives about 30,000 XP. And Tera Raid Battles can take around 3 minutes depending on how strong your team is.
Doing Tera Raid Battles is more fun than hunting Chanseys over and over again. You can also get new pokemon and other items. However, if you are having trouble winning these fights, you can try the first method. Just go to the location mentioned above, search inside the caves and destroy all the Chanseys you come across.