Delhi Sultanate is one of the civilizations that you can play in Age of Empires 4. This civilization has a bonus for technological innovations. However, it is one of the most difficult civilizations to play in the Age of Empires 4. In the game, the difficulty rating of this civilization is 3 out of 3 stars. Although they do not have unique mechanics like the Mongols or the Abbasid Dynasty, their strength is equal to other civilizations.
Age of Empires 4 Delhi Sultanate
The Delhi Sultanate trains Scholar units through a Mosque from the beginning of the dark age. This civilization can also research every technology in the game for free. However, it takes a long time to research technology. To balance this, it uses scholars who speed up the research. If other buildings are built within the influence range of the Mosque, they get faster research time depending on how many scholars are in the Mosque.
Elephants, an important unit of the Delhi Sultanate army, are very strong with high health and inflict a lot of damage to the enemy. The Tower War Elephant can perform long-range attacks and inflict devastating losses on the enemy. The Towered War Elephant consists of a mounted tower and two archers on it.
Infantry units have the ability to build defensive buildings such as fences, walls, and outposts. This way, villagers can gather more resources without getting involved in military construction.
Since the Delhi Sultanate is one of the Muslim civilizations in the game, they cannot hunt boar. They get food from deer or berry bushes. If players build a mill near berry bushes and turn it into an orchard, they get extra yields.
Delhi Sultanate Units
- The Scholar: Scholars are the equivalent of monks in other civilizations. If they garrison military buildings, they reduce the training time of the units.
- War Elephant: They are strong units due to their high health and high damage to enemy units and buildings.
- Tower War Elephant: It is a very powerful unit with a long range of attack.
Delhi Sultanate Landmarks
- Dome of the Faith (Age II): Trains scholars at low cost.
- House of Learning (Age II): Does not give bonuses, but provides economic and religious improvements.
- Palace of the Sultan (Age IV): This structure produces a Towered War Elephant. You can use scholars to increase production speed.