In this guide, we’ll show you how to farm element in ARK Fjordur. When you destroy a boss or world boss, the game gives you 30 element. However, there is another way to farm element on Fjordur. There are several spots on the island where you can find purple crystals. These crystals will give you element.
How to Farm Element in ARK Fjordur
To farm element, you will need to go to Volcano Island located in the lower right corner of the map. Once you get to the island, you will see that there is a Wyvern Trench on the northern side of the island. You need to fly into the Wyvern Trench and look for the purple cave entrance. You’ll want to bring a flyer like Maewing to fly through the tunnel. You’ll also want to bring some consumables to heal as it will be hot inside the cave.
Once inside the cave, if you follow the main path, you will find a large chamber full of Magmasaurs. We recommend killing all Magmasaurs. This will make things easier. You can fly over the creatures and shoot them from above. Or, you can use some sort of ranged weapon to shoot them from a distance.
All over the ground, there will be purple crystals that you can extract with a mining drill. The mining drill makes mining easier. If you don’t have a mining drill, you can also use a pickaxe to mine crystals.
Once you farm the crystals, return to your base and use your Tek Replicator to craft elements using the element shards you extracted from these crystals. To make an element you will need 100 element shards.
If you don’t want to fight bosses, farming purple crystals is a great way to get elements. With about 10 minutes of work, you can get tons of elements.