In this ARK Survival Evolved guide, I’ll show you where to find a Rock Drake Egg on Fjordur. Once you get to the location, you’ll collect your first Rock Drake Egg in ARK Fjordur. But first, you’ll need to make hazard gear to protect yourself from radiation. Because there is radiation around the Rock Drake Egg location. You’ll also need to tame Desmodus Draculae, who makes things easy when it comes to harsh conditions. This creature does not take radiation damage.
You will need red and blue gems to craft your hazard gear. You can find these gems inside the cave at coordinates 57.3 and 85.2.
Where to Find a Rock Drake Egg on Fjordur
Once you have your hazard gear, you will need to teleport yourself to northeast Asgard. This place is pretty close to the Rock Drake Egg location. Once you get there, look for purple trees around the water. There are two areas with purple trees. The area on the east side of the map is where you need to go. You will find a cave entrance on the south side. The cave entrance can be found at coordinates 42.2 and 49.1.

Rock Drakes will try to kill you as soon as you get inside. You can use Desmodus’ stealth ability to disguise yourself from them. Enemies won’t notice you until you find the egg. Once you come halfway through the tunnel, you will begin to feel the effects of the radiation.
The tunnel is a bit long. You will need to follow the main path. At the end of the path, there will be a larger chamber where you can find your Rock Drake Egg. Once you enter the chamber, remind yourself where the entrance is. If you get lost, it can be difficult to find the exit.