In this ARK guide, I will show you where to find Gachas on Fjordur. I’ll show you each of its spawn locations. Gachas were added to the game with the Extinction DLC. They became one of the favorite creatures of the players in the ARK world. Players can get multiple materials through different types of crystals falling from these creatures.
Each Gacha can produce 6 different resources. If you don’t select the resource you want, the creature will produce random material. They have different moods. Moods can affect crystal and resource production quality. If you look at the creature’s face, you can tell what mood Gacha is in from its facial expression. When it’s upset, Gacha will refuse to look at you. Their favorite food is Snowy Owl Pellets. If you feed them with this food, it will improve the quality of the crystals. Higher quality crystals will give you better quality items. If you don’t care about resource quality, you can feed them with stones or anything.
Where to find Gachas on Fjordur
There are five Gacha spawn locations in ARK Fjordur. The first two locations will be on Vanaheim and the other locations will be on Asgard. The first location can be found at coordinates 12.7 and 88.00. The second location is at coordinates 06.5 and 79.2. You can also find Gachas at coordinates 61.8 and 30.7. The next location is at coordinates 62.1 and 38.2. The last location is located at coordinates 43.0 and 49.4.
You can find the current spawn locations and coordinates on this page.