In this guide, I’ll show you how to instantly tame a Fjordhawk in ARK Survival Evolved. You can instantly tame a Fjordhawk and tame as many as you want. First, you need to find Fjordhawk on the island. The next thing you need to do is bring a creature to feed them. The more health the creature has, the more Fjordhawk taming effectiveness you will get.
Fjordhawk Spawn Locations
There are several places on the island where you can find a Fjordhawk. The first spawn location can be found at coordinates 14.2 and 21.3. There will be another spawn location at coordinates 19.8 and 24.2. The location can be found on the top of the mountains in the upper left corner of the map. The next spawn location is 17.6 and 33.2. The last location is 13.5 and 27.8. These creatures are usually found in the northwestern part of the island.
How to instantly tame a Fjordhawk
The normal Fjordhawk taming process takes a lot of time as you need to find medium to large-sized creatures to feed them. There is an instant taming method that I will show you.
Ovis is a unique creature that gives you tons of resources as long as you level up its health. Once you bring an Ovis to the Fjordhawk spawn location, you will need to give it to the Fjordhawks. You can kill Ovis however you want. You can even build your own Fjordhawk army as long as you level up the sheep. If you don’t do that, Fjordhawks will consume the whole sheep in two bites.
Fjordhawks are very useful birds when it comes to stealing wyvern eggs from wyvern trenches. They can grab your stuff and bring it back to you. When you die, they can recover all your items. You should definitely tame one.