In this guide, we will show you how to fix the artifact not spawning problem in Ark Survival Evolved. It’s been a known problem since the game launched. We’ll tell you what you can do to get artifacts to spawn in the game. And we will try to explain why this problem occurs. This occurs in single-player games a lot. Sometimes it can be very annoying.
When you fly quickly to the other part of the map, you will notice that there are no dinosaurs around. Artifacts work in the same way as dinosaurs. Every artifact in the game has a respawn timer. The timer can go up to 30 minutes.
How to Fix Artifact Not Spawning Problem in Ark Survival Evolved
There are two ways to fix the artifact not spawning issue in ARK. The first way is the most time-consuming as you have to wait a few minutes before the artifact respawns. If you wait 10 more minutes or so, the artifact should respawn in its location. If you are impatient and think you will get bored, you can try the second way.
To fix the problem, you will need to exit the game and navigate to the main menu. Next, you will need to start the game again. This method only works on single-player games.
Once you restart the game, you will notice that the artifact is spawned as well as the creatures. You will want to prepare for a potential dino attack. We recommend staying away from dino corpses.