In this guide, we will show you how to complete the Hippogriff Marks the Spot Quest in Hogwarts Legacy. You will need to use a map to find the hippogriff statue. Then you will be able to find the treasure.
The first thing you need to do is go to the southern part of Manor Cape. If you go to the southernmost part of the map, you will be able to find Henrietta’s Hideaway. You need to go down the stairs to find the entrance.
Once you get inside Henrietta’s Hideaway, you will need to place the cubes in different spots to open the main door. Cubes can be behind pedestals. Use your fire spell to turn the pedestals around. There will be two circles on the floor with symbols. Grab the cubes and drag them into place. Then, use glacius spell and fire spell on them to open the main door.

Inside the main chamber, there will be plenty of enemies. Destroy all the enemies and go near the hippogriff statue. You will need to light the pots in a certain order and turn four of them into ice. Use your map to see which ones you need to freeze. If you do it correctly, a door will open on the other side of the room.
This is how you can find the treasure chest.