In this guide, we’ll show you where to find Dragonite in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. We’ll show you how to catch it. Dragonite is a Dragon/Flying type Pokemon that evolves from Dragonair when leveled up. It is a reptile Pokemon with two turquoise wings. It has light orange skin similar to the Charizard. Even if it looks like a Charizard, it looks more friendly. This Pokemon can fly pretty fast. It can even reach the speed of sound in the air.
Dragonite is often called the sea guardian because it saves people from drowning in the sea. They also help sailors lost at sea to find their way back to safety. Any hostile action that threatens their environment makes them ruthless and uncontrollable.
Where to find Dragonite in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
If you want to find a Dragonite, you will need to go to the North Province (Area 2). We have marked the spawn location on the map above. Once you get to the spawn area, you’ll have to look to the sky to find one. Dragonite is not a ground Pokemon. You’ll find it flying in the sky above the trees. If your render distance is low, it can be quite difficult to find this Pokemon.
You have to get close to Dragonite to throw a Pokeball and start the battle.