In this guide, we will show you how to fix a weapon malfunction in Escape From Tarkov. New weapon malfunction types have been added to the game with new updates. We will show you a simple trick to deal with gun malfunctions in the game.
Developers also added overheating, which has a huge impact on how weapons work. You need to cool down your weapon from time to time to maintain its accuracy and durability. If your weapon reaches maximum heat, it will take damage and could potentially malfunction. There are some attachments in the game that can reduce the heat of your weapon. There are also some suppressors that can increase the heat even more. The ammunition you use will also increase the heat more or less depending on the type.
Escape From Tarkov: How to Fix Weapon Malfunction
First, you will have to inspect your weapon by pressing the L key. After inspecting the weapon, you will need to hold Shift and press T to fix it. These are the default controls to fix your weapon. If the controls are not in the default settings, you will need to change them.
To change controls press ESC and go to settings then go to controls. You will see two settings “Inspect current weapon” and “Check Chamber/Fix Malfunction”. You can bind any button that is convenient for you to press. Please make sure that the Press Type option is selected as Press.
This is how you can fix gun jams in Escape From Tarkov.