In this MHR guide, we will show you the best elemental dual blades build in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. It’s a pretty powerful build that you can customize for the endgame. You can easily swap elements to kill certain monsters. This build gives you a lot of freedom and provides an excellent mix of mobility and raw power.
Best Elemental Dual Blades Build in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Please note that this is not a beginner’s build as it requires defeating a few endgame bosses to unlock armor pieces. You may also need to use tons of healing consumables until you get used to it.
Weapon & Gear
The Double Discharge is our recommended weapon choice here. It has 300 raw attack power, 0% affinity, and a small amount of purple sharpness. We recommend using Protective Polish to increase weapon sharpness. You will need the following materials to craft the weapon.
- Scale of Origin + x 2
- Narwa Hardclaw x 2
- Horn of Origin + x 1
- Mantle of Origin x 1
You’ll want to put the Thunderblight Jewel 1 in the weapon’s rampage decoration slot.
Kaiser Crown X
Kaiser Crown X is a brand new head armor that comes with the Sunbreak DLC. You will need the following materials to craft the armor.
- Teostra Hardhorn x 3
- Large Elder Dragon Gem x 1
- Teostra Cortex x 5
- Fire Dragon Hardclaw x 1
Archfiend Armor Baulo
Archfiend Armor Baulo is the master rank chest armor that comes with the MHR Sunbreak DLC. It requires the following materials to craft.
- Archdemon Doomhorn x 1
- Malzeno Fellwing x 2
- Abyssal Dragonscale x 2
- Archdemon Backshell x 3
Espinas Vambraces
Espinas Vambraces is an armor piece that is part of the Espinas Armor Set. To unlock this armor, players need to defeat a large monster named Espinas. Espinas Vambraces requires the following materials to craft.
- Espinas Cortex x 4
- Espinas Toxic Blood x 2
- Monster Slogbone x 2
- Espinas Lash x 1
Archfiend Armor Ura
Archfiend Armor Ura is waist armor that is part of the Archfiend Armor Set. Players will need the following materials to make the armor.
- Abyssal Dragonsphire x 1
- Archdemon Doomhorn x 2
- Archdemon Wingtalon x 2
- Archdemon Backshell x 2
Ingot Greaves X
Ingot Greaves X is a master rank leg armor that comes with the Sunbreak DLC. You will need the following materials to make it.
- Sapphiron Ore x 1
- Purecrystal x 1
- Monster Toughbone x 2
- Meldspar Ore x 1
Double Blades can be very effective if you have a good combination of both elemental and raw skills. The main skills we focus on are Weakness Exploit, Critical Eye, Critical Boost, Protective Polish, and Chain Crit.