In this MHR guide, we’re going to show you the best Heavy Bowgun build in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. Heavy Bowgun is a difficult weapon to balance the fun and attack power. With this Heavy Bowgun build, you can deal tons of damage in MHR Sunbreak without any danger. It is a very good HBG build for chill fights.
Sometimes it can be difficult to dodge properly while using the Heavy Bowgun, or different types of ammunition can be daunting. There are some new features that come with MHR Sunbreak. These new features give players more room to customize their weapons to suit their playstyle.
We recommend Guard, Spread Up, Guard Up, and Tune-Up as the main skills. Spread Up will maximize the power of the spread ammunition. Guard is an important skill that reduces stamina depletion and knockbacks. Level 3 Guard Up skill reduces damage taken by 80%. Tune-Up is a brand new skill that increases the stats of your attached mods like the silencer or the long barrel.
Reload Speed, Recoil Down, and Steadiness are other useful skills that will improve your ability to use the Heavy Bowgun.
You can change the build if you prefer to use different skills.
Weapon & Gear
Golm Cannon is a good choice as a Heavy Bowgun in MHR Sunbreak. This weapon comes from a large monster named Garangolm. You can get this weapon relatively early in the game. You will need the following materials to craft this Heavy Bowgun.
- Garangolm Hardfang x 2
- Caked Stiffbone x 1
- Garangolm Cortex x 4
- Golm Thick Juice x 3
Weapon Decorations
- Ironwall Jewel+ 3
- Ironwall Jewel 2
- Quickload Jewel 1
- Anti-Aerial Jewel 2
Kaiser Crown X
Kaiser Crown X is a brand new head armor that comes with the MHR Sunbreak DLC. You will need 3 Theostra Hard Horns, 5 Theostra Cortexes, 1 Fire Dragon Hardclaw, and 1 Large Elder Dragon Gem to craft Kaiser Crown X.
Diablos Mail X
Diablos Mail X is a brand new master rank chest armor that comes with the MHR Sunbreak DLC. You will need the following materials to craft this gear.
- Diablos Stouthorn x 4
- Twisted Stouthorn x 2
- Kestodon Husk x 2
- Diablos Medulla x 1
Squire’s Braces
Squire’s Braces are a pair of arms armor that is part of the Knight Squire Set. You will need the following materials to craft Squire’s Braces.
- Royal Order Certificate I x 1
- Mystic Hardfang x 2
- Goldlite Ore x 1
- Monster Toughbone x 1
Rakna Coil X
Rakna Coil X is waist armor derived from a large monster named Rakna-Kadaki. You will need the following materials to craft Rakna Coil X armor.
- Rakna-Kadaki Cortex x 4
- Rakna-Kadaki Silk + x 1
- Rakna-Kadaki Spike + x 1
- Rakna-Kadaki Glowgut + x 1
Malzeno Greaves
Malzeno Greaves is a brand new leg armor that is part of the Malzeno Armor Set. The following materials will be required to make this equipment.
- Malzeno Fellwing x 2
- Malzeno Cortex x 2
- Malzeno Hardhorn x 1
- Malzeno Bloodstone x 1