Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak has several hidden armor sets that you need to get. In this guide, we’ll show you 13 hidden armor sets that will make you a better hunter in MHR Sunbreak. You may already know some of them but some armors may be new to you.
Cohoot Mask
Cohoot Mask is a layered armor piece that you can unlock by completing the quest called In Cahoots for Cahoot Pics. To complete this quest you will need to find 3 Cohoots and take their pictures. You can find the first Cohoot around the Admiral. The next Cahoot will be at the highest point of Elgado. Finally, you can take a picture of your own Cohoot.
Azure Layered Armor
Azure Layered Armor is a brand new layered armor that can be unlocked by completing the Stats on Statuses Stat quest. To complete this quest you will need to hunt Gore Magala, Espinas, and Lunagaron. Once you complete the Stats on Statuses Stat quest, you can find Azure Layered Armor in your item box.
Guardian Set
To unlock the Guardian Set in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, you will need to complete the quest called Studying Starvation Effects. Once you hunt an Anjanath and Pukei-Pukei, you will unlock this awesome armor. If you’re a lance user, you’ll definitely want to unlock the Guardian Set. Because It’s pretty tanky. You will need the following materials to craft the Guardian Set.
- Pukei-Pukei Shard x 5
- Ultimas Crystal x 1
- Meldspar Ore x 4
- Pukei-Pukei Fellwing x 2
- Large Pukei-Pukei Sac x 1
- Goldlite Ore x 4
Monksnail Helmet
To unlock the Monksnail Helmet, you need to complete the Giant in The Frost Islands quest. Once you get to Frost Island at night, you will need to head to the eastern part of the island and find a high spot to take a photo of Monksnail.
Base Commander Set
To unlock the Base Commander Set, you have to complete the quest called Rage That Never Dies. It is a collab quest where you have to kill a Furious Rajang. Admiral Galleus will help you on your journey. You will need the following materials to craft the Base Commander Set.
- Royal Order Certificate III x 5
- Large Elder Dragon Bone x 5
- S. Magala Shard x 2
- Allfire Stone x 1
- Daora Shard x 2
- Large Elder Dragon Gem x 1
- Bazelgeuse Shard x 2
- Goldlite Ore
- Meldspar Ore x 1
- Sapphiron Ore x 1
- Chameleos Finehide x 2
- Rajang Wildpelt x 2
Guild Bard Set
To get the Guild Bard Set, you will need to capture a Barioth by completing the quest called Bag a Barioth.
Guild Palace Set
Guild Palace Set can be unlocked by completing each arena quest in the arena. You will have to clear each hunt. It is one of the coolest-looking hidden armor sets in MHR Sunbreak. The active skills on this armor are also pretty good. Guild Palace Set requires the following materials to craft.
- Hero King Coin x 7
- Espinas Coin x 5
- Furious Rajang Coin x 4
- Large Elder Dragon Bone x 8
- Lunagaron Coin x 6
Yukumo Sky Set
To unlock the Yukumo Sky Set, you will need to complete the quest called A Dangerous Dare. It’s a two-star quest where you have to hunt down Bishaten and Rathian. Especially the head armor piece looks pretty awesome. It has Level 7 Critical Eye and Level 5 Evade Window active skills on it.
Sailor Set
Sailor Set can be unlocked by completing the Espinas Entanglement quest and capturing Espinas.
Scholarly Set
You can unlock the Scholarly Set by completing the Violent Nature quest and capturing Astalos.
Commission Set
You can unlock the Commission Set by completing the quest called Bag a Bazel Yeah and capturing Bazelgeuse.
Utsushi True Set
You can unlock the Utsushi True Set by capturing the large monster named Magnamalo.
Hawk Set
Hawk Set can be unlocked by capturing Gore Magala. There is a quest called Gore Magala Mission where you can capture this monster.