In this guide, we will show you how to evolve Finizen into Palafin in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. These two pokemon look exactly the same except for one thing. Palafin has a small red heart on his skin. If you look at the chest area you will notice that little heart.
This is a special kind of evolution and you have to be in a multiplayer game. You have to fight in front of your friend. So, you need to find a friend to help you. You can join your friend’s world or he can join your world. It doesn’t matter what world you play in.
How to Evolve Finizen into Palafin in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
The first thing you need to do is go to the pokemon species and put Finizen in your party. Put it in the first slot. Then, throw Finizen into the real world by pressing the RT button. It is important to use the right trigger. So the Pokemon will follow you in the real world and your friend will be able to see the fight.
Then you need to level up the Finizen to level 38 or higher.
- Step 1: Find a friend to help you.
- Step 2: Throw Finzen into the real world using the right trigger.
- Step 3: Reach level 38.
This is how you can transform Finizen into Palafin in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Palafin’s special ability is a hero mode called Zero to Hero. When the ability is activated, Palafin turns into a hero and stays in that form until the end of the battle.