If you want to be a successful assassin in Skyrim, you need a superior bow. The Bow of Shadows might be the weapon you’re looking for in the game. Because this bow gives the player invisibility. Also, drawing this Bow is 20% faster than a regular bow.
Where is The Bow of Shadows?
To get the bow, go to Dragonsreach before starting the quest. Here you need to find Jarl’s Steward, Proventus Avenicci. After you find him, he will give you a mission where you have to kill some assassins.

Read Proventus Avenicci’s note. After reading this note, the quest will take you to the Silent Moons Camp, northwest of Whiterun. This is the camp where the assassin bandits are located. It will be a tough fight when you arrive at the camp. After killing the guards at the gate, climb the stairs and use the invisibility potion. You will find a note on a table and you will learn when and where the assassins will attack.
When you return to Jarl’s place, the assassin will be standing on the upper decks. You can get the bow after killing him.
The Bow of Shadows is a legendary weapon crafted by the Daedric Prince Nocturnal. The bow’s damage is higher than any other bow in the game. It also gives its owner invisibility and bonus weapon draw speed.