There are some key crafting items you should try to make in The Cycle Frontier. Crafting will help you prioritize the items in your backpack and free up some storage space.
Best Crafting Items in The Cycle Frontier
Let’s get into the crafting items in The Cycle Frontier that will give you a pretty decent objective. While in the game, you should definitely know what you need to collect to craft useful things.
Medium Backpack
The first item is the most obvious. The game tutorial made you craft a medium-sized backpack already. This backpack will allow players to carry 50 pounds more than the standard backpack. You might think there isn’t much of a difference, but getting 50 pounds more per run will make a difference very quickly. Crafting a medium-sized backpack is quite easy. All you need are two modified nickels, which are pretty easy to find. All over the map, you can find rocks with green stuff in them. If you need more, go up and down the rivers or check out the caves near the Southwest Collection point. You will also need two Polymetallic Prefabricates to make a backpack. You can collect Polymetallic Prefabricates in the Waterfall Lab or the Vaccine Labs.
Strong Stim
Strong Stims are the best crafting item after the medium backpack because they provide few benefits such as healing. They heal a larger portion of your health than weak stims, so if you have a backpack with limited space, you can still grab some of them. To craft these items, you need to collect three old medicines, two waterweed filaments, and one bright cap mushroom. You can find them in the Lake or the Swamp. You need to search the water sources to find the waterweed filament.
Green Helmet
The Green Helmet is another item that you should definitely craft. The Green Helmet basically protects you from bullets and you take less damage. First, you need to collect five hardened metals to craft this key item. You can find hardened metals in containers that can be found all over the map. You also need nine spinal bases. These will drop when you kill striders.
Green Shield
Green Shields will protect the rest of your body, including your arms and legs. If you get hit, you will take less damage. To make a Green Shield, you need to collect nine spinal bases. You also need to find five Polymetallic Prefabricates. It’s the same thing we use to make backpacks. New updates make armors more effective. So if you haven’t made a Green Shield yet, you might definitely want to craft some.
You have a few other options besides making a Green Shield. There are restoration or tactical counterparts in the game. However, these offer 12 armor instead of the 15 that Green Shield gives you. If you prefer to craft the restoration shield, you will need to gather the same materials you would need for normal items. Also, you need to get Brightcap Mushrooms on top of it.